Today was Vanessa Tagacay's baptism! It was really nice and lot's of people came. She is such a sweet person and has really studied and prepared herself. She is kind of quiet but just has that peaceful inner strength to her that is so admirable. I guess you call that the Spirit; she just seems to have it. She bore a nice testimony. Her husband is the elders quorum presidents son and has been less active for a long time but has been faithfully coming back. He's kinda quiet too but a really good guy. They can't wait to go to the temple. There were also 2 children baptized. Aliaza Ritual, who is being raised by her grandmother because her parents are "missing in action" , and Edgar Rosales, who has taken a special shine to Sister Gwilliam and gives her a big hug every time he sees her. Little Aliaza bore her testimony and it was so sweet, she just sobbed the whole time but bore a powerful testimony of Joseph Smith and of the gospel. It was a truly inspiring baptism!
Left to Right Elder Sanchez, Victoria, Pres. Tagacay, son of Victor, Victor, Vanessa, Mercy and Vanessa's Baby, Gwinn and Elder Burgos. Great Family!
Rosales Family with Edgar Jr. the one getting baptized.
Tagacay Family with missionaries
Rosales Family. Young Edgar, the one getting baptized really likes Sister Gwilliam.
They are a great family, we will never forget them!
Aliaza with her aunt Marvee and her Grandmother Sister Pagnanawan
Some of the wonderful Punta branch members. We sure love them!
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