Can't believe it's hear already- last day of 2013. We feel so blessed to have have been able to spend the entire year serving the Lord as missionaries! What a privilege and opportunity this has been. We have had so many wonderful experiences in sharing the gospel and helping to strengthen and establish the Lord's church here in the Philippines. Now the word that seems to describe our feelings the most is anxious. As the end of our mission draws near we are anxious to see our family again. We probably felt more homesick over these past few days of the Christmas season than we have the whole time we've been here. We truly miss our family. We are starting to feel a little anxious about what we will do after our mission is over, where we will live, work, etc. But mostly we are anxious about the fact that our time is running out and there is still so much to do. We are anxious about some wonderful investigators who are struggling to align their lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Change is not easy for any of us as we try to overcome the natural man in us. We are anxious about this wonderful branch here in Narra. It appears they are really starting to catch the vision of how the gospel can bless their lives and how they can share it with others as they unite with the missionaries in hastening the work. We hope that it continues. We are anxious about our Narra district as we do what we can to help the leaders here prepare to become a stake. They are close to stake hood in all the numbers except active, tithe paying, Melchizedek priesthood holders. We are pleased that many brethren were recently ordained at the last district conference and hope all of the leaders will continue to encourage and strengthen the less active brethren. We want to spent a lot of our remaining time working on home and visiting teaching. That vision is a bit slow in coming but we know if we can help to bring it about it will make a huge difference. We love it here and we love this work. Our branch president, President Quiniones, is really working hard to build the kingdom and we are blessed to be able to know and work with him. We have some really good missionaries to work with here. The zone leaders, Elder Haynie and Elder Limocan are fun to work with . We miss Elder Delorino, who was recently transferred, but love Elder Torida who is brand new. Elder Merrill is scared to death as a new trainer because he has only been in the field 3 months but he is doing a good job. We sure love this work! The Gospel is true! We've enjoyed the Christmas season and though we weren't able to be with our family we rejoice in the birth of our Savior and His atoning sacrifice for us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Narra Branch Relief Society Singing at branch Christmas Party
The Elders Quorum also did a number.
Great bunch of Brethren
Young Men and Young Women
Some good kids!
They love to play games. This is Sister Malabuet in the sack race.
They hung some candy in a tree and the kids had to jump for it.
Even an elderly investigator got into the action. She was pretty funny!
Sister Bascar and her children
Dinner is served! Are ready for some Lechon Baboy? ( roast pig) Masarap!
We had a YSA activity on December 27&28. These kids hadn't played any of the games we are used to so we showed them some.
Such as flying Dutchman...
The animal game...
...pass the orange relay...
...they liked this one. Who wouldn't?
It brought lots of laughs and some awkward moments.
Here's the whole group. We had workshops, a dance and food and games and I think they had a lot of fun. They don't get many opportunities to get together. They are a good looking group.
The Burts, Newsons, and us at Estrella Falls. The Burt,s two daughters came over to visit them for Christmas but some how the picture of the girls didn't work.
Just had to take a picture of this. Haulin hogs! We were getting a little behind in our work.
We had the Elders over for Christmas . This is Elder Torida, from Laoag, who just got here a week ago from the MTC. We love him already.
This is Elder Merrill from Utah. He is training Elder Torida and just finished being trained so has only been in the field 3 months. Good Missionary!
Our Zone Leaders Elder Haynie ( Alabama )and Elder Limocan ( Bicol ). They are both great missionaries
Merry Christmas Sister Gwilliam
We had a white Christmas after all. This is the Martinez family who's daughter was baptized.
Part of the members who attended the baptism.
This is Sister Frescilla Bautista who is a convert from a part member family. Wanted to hear the missionaries lessons and came to know the Gospel is true.
Sister Lambunoa 's daughter was also baptized.
Brother Luis Rivera also baptized his daughter. His other little girl and his sister Mary Rose are also in the picture
A picture of Elder Delorino at his birthday just before his transfer.
Sister Gwilliam is pretty diligent at seeing that the Elders get a birthday cake for their Birthday
Our Zone just before Transfer Day on December 18. Left to right front to back: Elde Limocan, Merrill, Allam, Delorino,Saclot, Healey, Yu, Hart, Bautista, Rydalch,Zook, Us, Balonsong, Amante, Proudfit, Thurber, Cook, Haynie, Bullock and Chong
We love these guys
We love you so much and are anxious to see you as well. Keep up the good work, all of your pictures make me want to do more!!! Love you!
I love reading the updates. Are you close enough to put in an end date? Don't want to make you trunky...just have lost track of time and wonder what is left.
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