The Lord's work is truly hastening and we are trying our best to keep up. We have been super busy as we try to get as much done as possible in the time remaining. Can't believe we have so little left. We have had some wonderful experiences lately. We have been very concerned about Jeffrey lately because he hadn't felt like he was getting the answer he was seeking and was not progressing. Along with the missionaries we have been struggling and praying to know how to help. Then last Tuesday when we went to teach them before we said anything he said he was ready to be baptized! We are so excited! He is the man I mentioned earlier that I had met in the market and his wife was baptized a few weeks ago. The missionaries are also teaching a wonderful family that is a referral of the Magsino family- his brother. They are such a good family! They are preparing for baptism. The father just needs to overcome some word of wisdom challenges but we know he will. They really want to be baptized and have been to church 4 weeks in a row now. They are just so happy with all they are learning and we have loved seeing the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ light up their lives. It is such a blessing to be a part of this work. The other missionaries also are teaching a great family. They were actually referred by a nonmember! Before we went with the missionaries last night to teach them we had only been to their house once but they seem to just love us and act like we have made a huge difference in their lives. The mother said she was crying in church last Sunday when Sister Gwilliam bore her testimony. They plan to be baptized March 8 if they too can overcome some word of wisdom challenges. It was so awesome last night after the missionaries finished their lesson and we had the closing prayer the father the father said, " Can I ask a question?" He said," How can I help my family be more spiritual?" Then he got out a paper and pen to write down our suggestions. It was so amazing! So we talked and shared some suggestions and he wrote them all down and was just so sincere! It was beautiful. Elder and Sister Wirthlin were their with us and it was great! We were all crammed in their tiny little house with not enough chairs for all to sit on: the one light bulb hardly giving enough light to read: the smell of their pigs which are in a pen just outside the front door almost overwhelming us and yet this wonderful family of 4 children and a nephew are just drinking in the Gospel and letting it light up their lives. There is nothing like this in all the world! We are so happy to get to know the Wirthlins! They just got here a week ago and we love them already.They are our replacements so we are helping them to get settled and showing them around. They are starting to get over the jet lag and culture shock now. That's always tough at first but they are really nice people and will do well. We are getting excited to go home but have already had a few teary sessions as we contemplate leaving these dear people we have grown to love so much.

A typical scene on the roads on Palawan
Yes, we do live on an island, it's beautiful here.
This scene is along the road between Narra and Puerto Princessa
Sheila Corpuz at her Baptism. Also her husband Jeffrey, her parents, and the teaching missionaries Elders Merrill and Torida
Members of Narra Branch who attended Sheila's baptism.
Some of the Narra Relief Society. They had an activity at our house and Sister Gwilliam taught them how to make cookies. Most of them don't have ovens so they've never made cookies.
We had a branch activity at the beach. Here is a picture of lunch on the grill.
Sister Sea
Sister Bongot
Bro & Sis Magsino, Sis Palo, Sheila Montes and Jerson Palo
Sis Magsino with us and our really tall Relief Society President Sis Palo
Elder Haney
Sis Palo and her kids, Jerson and Angelic
Beach volleyball without a net.
These kids love the water.
We were winning until the rope broke.
Wipeout after the rope broke.
It held for awhile...
Oops. There were a few risque moments.
Don't look like missionaries here do we?!
Cooking Lunch...
...and now It's served.
Pants or no pants I'm goin swimmin'!
Frescel Ann Bautista and Ira and Michelle Guttierez at their baptism along with some other young women.
Missionaries love baptisms!
Frecille Ann Bautista and her Sister Armaine Grace who was baptized a couple of weeks earlier.
Haulin' logs!
A scene from beautiful Palawan