Well it's almost over. We can't believe it. Our hearts our full and our eyes are wet as we realize that our time is up and we say goodbye to these wonderful people and this amazing experience. Last Sunday was one of the sweetest experiences of our mission as we welcomed back 3 brethren who had been been disfellowshipped years ago and who we had been able to work a small part in helping them return to full fellowship. This work is the Savior's work and his amazing love and grace and mercy is extended to all who will come unto Him. We had some sad news this week as Jeffrey took some steps backward and decided not to be baptized at this time. We are hopeful that he will sometime soon. The missionaries are teaching 2 other wonderful families though ( as well as several other wonderful investigators) who will be baptized in March. We are so excited about that. There were 18 investigators at church last Sunday including a fellow who Wirthlins met on the street and invited to come to church! He came and agreed to be taught by the missionaries. They taught him and it went well so the Wirthlins are pretty pumped about that. They are great people and will do a lot of good here. Last night we went to one of those 2 families and they reported that they had completely quit smoking so after 4 weeks they can be baptized. When they said that I thought those two missionaries were going to leap right out of their chairs! We sure love all these missionaries we get to work with! Also this week we decided along with the branch presidency that because we can't find a meeting house in Sandoval we will build a temporary roof structure to meet under on Zardoma's property. Pres. Stucki approved the idea so we - I guess they- will build it next Saturday. Finally some progress on that!

The Relief Society held another activity at our house.
They have a lot of fun together.
Jeffrey and Sheila Corpuz
We had a Family Home Evening at or house and invited Jeffrey and Sheila. Jeffrey wasn't able to come but we had a good time.
Brother and Sister Abrigo, on the right, have recently become active and it was good to have them at our Family Home Evening
This is Jill.Sorry I can't remember her last name but she lives with and works for the Betitas |
That's a lot of missionaries for one branch! Lot's of good work being done. |
I will miss your updates and the excitement you wrote about in your blogs. You have been a stellar example of losing yourself in the work. We have missed you and will keep you and the decisions you have now about your life in our prayers. We are here if you need a place to stay at anytime.
I sure have enjoyed reading your blog during your mission. We are thankful you served a faithful mission!
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