Thursday, January 10, 2013

More Tests, More Meetings

We went with Sister Cielos to the doctor again this morning for some more lab tests that the heart specialist wants done but she had to go fasting and no one told her it would take all morning so she was supposed to come early so she decided to go back tomorrow because she was afraid she might get sick from not eating for so long.This afternoon I did some training with the elders quorum presidency and then during PEC we spent 2 hours with them and the missionaries and the branch presidency and reorganized or should I say organized the home teaching in the branch.It was a lot of work but we got a lot done and it feels good. It may seem strange but they had no idea how to get started and do it. As near as I can tell there has been no home teaching done here for along time. I just hope we can help instill a desire in them to do it.

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