Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sabbath Day Rest

Another beautiful sunny day here in the Philippines. It is always nice waking up to the Sun Shine we must admit. Especially when your in your air conditioned room, it's just when you have to go outside and get wet and its not from the rain. Had a wonderful Sabbath day, the attendance was probably up by 25 people in both branch's. Its a very tender scene as we see the fruits of our labor as people are coming back to church . The Chapel was full today and the testimonies sweet to the soul. Was thinking what if we hadn't come on our Mission at this time we wouldn't have gotten to meet these wonderful people here and have the great bond of friendship and fellowship we now have with them. We have truly been blessed so much! Went teaching with the missionaries after church to a man named Regi he is committed  for baptism in February. He's going to be a great member of the church and it's been wonderful to see his progress over this last month. The change of heart is a marvelous thing to witness. Then went to a less active family and talked to them about desire and faith. While we were there got a text from some members that asked us to take their daughter to the hospital as she was very sick. John gave her a blessing, then brought me home and took Elder Burgos (Missionary) with him and family. Needed Elder Burgos to go so he could talk to the mother on the way to hospital. While I'm home here I received another text from a sister in our branch who is very sick and needs a blessing, so after they dropped off  the other family they went and gave another blessing.While they were there John received another text from Family who they took to the hospital. They won't admit daughter there so now John and Elder are on their way to Manila to the hospital there. They won't be back till late as it takes an hour and a half to get there. So that's why I titled my Post Sabbath Day Rest. We are always so busy; but that's the wonderful part of being a missionary.Love our Mission!

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