Monday, April 29, 2013


Last evening I went over to the church to meet a family we had invited for dinner but when I got there there was a young man who was in the midst of some kind of seizure or something and some members were trying to help him but he wasn't responding. He was breathing really hard but wouldn't respond verbally and then he got so he wasn't breathing hardly at all and his pulse in his wrist was very faint and he was cold so we put him in the van and rushed him to the hospital. On the way he started getting really stiff and threw up once; we weren't sure what was going on. Anyway we got him there and they worked on him for awhile and got him stabilized and said he was overheated and was way low on potassium. After awhile he seemed to be ok and wanted to go home but they wouldn't let him go because he couldn't pay the bill. So we had to go looking for his parents but he's the only member of his family and lives with his grandmother and no one knew where she lives. We finally got ahold of the missionaries and they knew but when we got there the grandma had no money so we had to go find his parents. They sent a little boy with us to their house. Pretty messed up family; they didn't really seem to want to do anything but finally the father came with us. When we got there though he had no money either so after talking with the doctor etc. we took him to grandma and hopefully they worked something out to get him out. By now it was 9pm but the family we had invited still wanted to come for dinner so we brought them home and they ate with us and finally left around 11 pm. Another adventure. We sure take for granted all the wonderful blessings we have. A lot of the youth here are really amazing; they have really messed up families but they are very active and faithful. By the way the father of the family we had over for dinner is leaving today to go back to work on a ship. He won't be home again for 2 years. I thought I was in camp for a long time!

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