Thursday, May 09, 2013


On April 26 we had interviews with President Stucki. It's always nice to have some time with him; he's truly an inspired man and it always gives us a boost to talk with him. In and earlier interview he had mentioned the possibility of us being transferred out to Palawan island but had not said any more about it. This time however he said that he really felt that is where we need to be but said we didn't have to go if we didn't want to and said he knew how much we loved the people in our present area. What do you say though when your  president says he feels it's what the Lord wants us to do? he asked us to pray about it and we have but we already felt that it was right and since have had that feeling confirmed so we are off  to Palawan. It's not going to happen, though, until sometime in June just before the mission split. Pres Stucki wants us to get as much done as possible before the split on the apartments because he doesn't have anyone to replace us so far. So we are going as hard as we can to refurbish existing apartments and find new ones. Busy! but it's all good!

1 comment:

Janet Wilcox said...

I just read about Palawan on Goggle and it sounds like it will be fun and exciting. If you say you are "going hard" it makes my eyes open wide: You both have always been hard workers even on an average day!