Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Creepy Crawlies

One of the great blessings of living in the tropics is we get to enjoy many wonderful creations that we are not used to. Here are some pictures of some recent visitors to our house.

This Tuko was in our kitchen one evening and scared Lily almost to death. We actually had another one about 3 times bigger than this one but we were so anxious to encourage it to leave we didn't think to take a picture of it.

This one didn't want to go so he grabbed the curtain and wouldn't let go!

...ask the missionaries- they can help! These creatures don't seem to bother the Filipinos at all.

We saw this black scorpion outside our house one night.

And of course there are the spiders! This one was almost hiding behind our fridge.

1 comment:

Teija said...

oh my goodness Mom! I am surprised you are still there!!