Monday, October 14, 2013


It really doesn't seem like it's October and that today is Thanksgiving at least in Canada. We skyped with Aaron today and he and Chas were watching a baseball playoff game  between Boston and I think he said Baltimore. Anyway I had no idea it was baseball playoff season. This continual summer here is just so different- so strange to not have any real change in season. It's always hot; some days are just hotter than others and sometimes it rains and sometimes it doesn't. Elder and Sister Burt came here for Thanksgiving dinner and it was really good. We made mashed potatoes, roast chicken, gravy, green beans and salad and Lily made a pumpkin pie for dessert. Haven't had a meal like that for a long time. We have so very much to be thankful for! We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. We are so proud of each of them and are so grateful they are living the gospel and  doing their best to raise they children. All three boys have received new callings and we wish them well and are so grateful that all of our children are willing to serve in the Lord's Kingdom. There is nothing like it. Our hearts continue to ache for all of the wonderful people here who struggle so much just to survive and we wonder why we have it so good. We know, though, that those who make and keep covenants with God are blessed in every aspect of their lives. It is so wonderful when we are able to assist in helping people come to that understanding. The Gospel really does bless lives. We had to chuckle at President Uchdorf when in his talk he mentioned all the things members of the church do and asked " why would anyone want to join this church"? Isn't it wonderful to be so involved in something so great?!  So very much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Janet Wilcox said...

Lily is an amazing cook even half way around the globe! Happy Thanksgiving to you a month early really :))