Boy have we been busy and it seems the days just fly by. We were able to go to Manila on the 21st to the 25th. with the Burt's and we had a good time. We did some shopping for needed supplies and other necessary business at the office. We were able to spend some time with the Stuckis which is always a treat and of course enjoyed the great food that Sister Stucki and Angel always have for us. We sure love them. we were able to join the Stuckis for FHE on Monday night and Monday afternoon we were able to tour a jeepney factory and also visit the famous Bamboo organ in Las Pinas. One of the high lights of the trip was we got to go visit the Leveriza family in Mandaluyong. I was able to share the gospel with them on my first mission and had got to see Joy soon after coming here this time but was now also able to meet Jean and Jay. They were both really young when we taught their family; Jean was only 4 but they still remembered me and were had a wonderful time reminscing. I love that family! They also told me a lot about Auntie Alice. It sounds like she was a wonderful faithful lady and was constantly serving others her whole life. One thing they told me that I had forgotten or didn't realize was that the day we knocked on their door she couldn't refuse us again. Earlier that day we had knocked on her door at her office which was a house and she had sent us away. So anyway it was neat to learn that the Lord truly had guided us to them. To think we had knocked on two doors both hers 2 kms apart in one day! So we had a great visit. They have had some difficult things happen in their lives but things are getting better and we know that the Lord will continue to bless them. Another highlight was being able to go to the temple. It's been awhile since we've been able to go and was great to go again.

Here is a brand new jeepney at the factory.
As you can see it is not quite as up to date as Detroit. All the fabrication and assembly is done by hand.
This is one of the original jeeps that was left over from World War 2. That is where the idea for the modern jeepney came from.
A reconditioned Willy's Jeep
In progress...
This is where the fabrication begins.
Almost Finished.
They also build buggies.
This is a picture of an all boys school that provides the boys' choir that performs with the Bamboo Organ
And here is the old church where the organ is housed
Some facts about the Bamboo organ. It is the only one of its kind in the world.
The original bellows. It took 2 or 3 people to operate it.
The original Keyboard.
This is the inside of the church.
And here is the Organ.
A picture of the rest of the organ and the organist playing it for us.
Anniversary couple at the Temple
Elder and Sister Burt.
Here we are at the Leveriza home with Jean. She was only 4 when her family was baptized.
This is Jay. We haven't met his wife or children yet. Maybe next time.
This is Joy and her 2 boys and Jean's son standing next to John.
And here is the whole family. At least all that were there. It was sooooo good to see them!
you guys look great! Love the updates. Love you guys
a blessed year
31 December 2014 at 08:15
It was in late October of 2013 when we got a visit from one of the missionaries who have tracked and converted us in 1977… I was only four years old then… he’s Elder Gwilliam….it was such a wonderful reunion… having reunited after 38 years… he said he had a dream and that’s how he remembered our address… and since he’s back in the Philippines for another mission… this time with his wife as a couple… he had this strong desire to see us again.. because of the strong love and bond he had with our family…
Twas really nice to see him again… as a grown up.. with all the events that had transpired in my life… he hasn’t changed..except for traces of years that had gone by on his face and physique…
When he had the chance to ask me on how I had been, there seemed to be a movie screen that flashed in my mind… all the things that I have gone thru showed right up in front of me… he gave me some time to pause and reflect… and then he said, “im happy… so happy to see you.. you were such a small girl then when we were here.. and you have grown a lot now… but I can feel that you have gone thru a lot.. and may be that’s why I am here… that’s why I was led back to you and your family…..
I told him that I had been the only one left who could go to church whenever I get a Sunday off from work… he was saddened… but then he said.. “it’s all right… God has a promise… ‘for as long as there will at least be one faithful soul in the household, God will continue to watch over you and pour out his blessings upon you… God loves you and your family so much… he is ever mindful of you.. He knows what you’re going thru… you will be a blessing to your family.’”…. Those words were etched in my mind and in my heart….
Less than a month after they had gone back home, I had a change in my schedule at work… giving me the chance to be able to go to church on Sundays again…
I tag along my nephew Anton in going to church…. It had brought me such a wonderful feeling…
A couple of weeks passed…Anton got baptized… and his elder brother George as well as my Jaime, started going with us to Sunday service…
They joined the Youth Conference in March.. and I am so happy to know and feel that there will indeed be a mighty change… im very sure of that…
A few weeks more passed and even other nephews Paulo and Justine joined…. To sum it up… they all loved the church and got baptized…
That started the mighty change….
Our home and family started to be like as it was before…. Basking in the light and love of God thru his gospel….
What touched me the most was seeing my firstborn nephew Robert join the pack….we even get instances wherein we all go to church together with my brother Jay and his family…
I can never express the happiness in my heart… my overflowing love for my family… I may never be vocal or showy, but I know that in some way or another, they know and feel that….
We now have Priesthood in our home…. Not only one but five… and they are very fine men… who grew up in principles that we have been raised by goodly and godly parents of our own… it is a legacy that we can pass on to them, and to our next generations…
This year 2014 had been great after all…. I humbly thank my Heavenly Father for that…. He had given me a clear manifestation that indeed He lives… and He loves me and my loved ones…
I am looking forward to this New Year….. with the hope that all is well…. With the strong conviction that no matter what happens, I have a refuge in my Heavenly Father’s love…. I was built upon a rock… the gospel is my cornerstone… winds may blow…floods may rise.. storms may come… I will be safe… me and my family….
I hold on to my Father’s promise…. That for as long as we remain faithful, there will always be a roof over our head…. Food on the table… safety from harm…. And a welcome embrace from a loving father…what more can I ask for?......
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