Saturday, December 01, 2012

Tarlac has huge sugarcane fields and a big sugar mill.These big old trucks are loaded with sugarcane and are lined up at the mill waiting to get unloaded.

I thought the lineups were long at the sawmill waiting to get unloaded but there was probably close to 150 trucks lined up here.

It looks like a lot of these trucks are old army trucks from world war two. They appear to be the same trucks they were using when I was here 35 years ago.I don't know how they keep them running so long

This is part of the Quiballo Family from Tarlac.Unfortunately we did not write down their names and we don't remember them all but inthe yellow by me is Ahmed at the other end is Ezra, Pol's son and daughter next to him.The lady in the purple is Pol's oldest son's wife and her 4 children. Next to Lily is Angel Jr's son with wife[ in red] and baby and then his daughter.

A picture of sugar cane in the field 


It was hard to get a good picture of the sugar cane fields because it was really gray and smoky because  they burn the fields after they harvest the cane. It is all harvested by hand with machetes

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