Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lots of Missionary Work

We had more appointments today than we could get to so had to postpone some that we had with members.The bad thing was that then some of the appointments didn't hold so we could have kept them but you just never know. However we still kept busy and had some good meetings. Bit of a teary session with a less active sister who has lived with a man, who was married before, for over thirty years. In the Philippines divorce is illegal so you run into this lots. Anyway she's not been happy but stuck with him for the children's sake and hoping something would change but he smokes and drinks and won't get a job and so she finally has decided that she wants to repent and go to the temple so she is leaving him. It's tough.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Just saw on your blog that it's 79 degrees there! Oh that sounds nice. It snowed here today. I feel like Spring is just around the corner though! Some of my neighbor's tulips have just poked their tiny stems through the soil....