Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today was a real workout. We met Paddocks in Naic where we purchased a lot of stuff for new apartments and then met Forinashes in Manila where we stocked 2 new apartments. Forinashes had a load of bunkbeds which we set up but were not made that well so we had some trouble getting them to fit together and on some even had to get out a hammer and chisel to make them fit. One apartment was up 8 flights of stairs and the missionaries weren't there to help so it was a lot of work. We finally hired a couple of young guys off the street to help us. I'm 12 years younger than Paddock and about 8 years younger than Forinash so they both have a pretty hard time hauling stuff up stairs and my bum knee slows me down a bit so a couple hundred pesos (5 bucks) was well worth it. It was about 90 degrees out and time we were done I was totally soaked. It actually felt kinda good though to do some physical labour. We hurried home afterwards to try to make some teaching appointments but they both fell through so that was too bad.

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