Thursday, February 07, 2013


Today we went with the Pugsleys to the training meeting for our new assignments as apartment checkers. I drove  their car so I could show them how to get to the various places we needed to go and also get them a little more used to the traffic over here. Lily and I are kind of in charge and will do most of the purchasing of all the household stuff for any new apartments that we get as well as ongoing supplies and then we have 4 zones of apartments to inspect every 6 weeks.We also will take care of setting up rental contracts with potential landlords.With our mission complement of  missionaries going from 180 to 250 in the next 6 months we are going to need quite a few new apartments. Paddocks and Pugsleys each have 4 zones to look after as well. After our training meeting we had dinner at the mission home with all the couples in the mission including the Crafts,who just got here from Idaho Falls, that I talked about last night; and the Burts and Wests who came over from Palawan. It was fun. We all got to sharing our experiences with spiders, rats,snakes and other exciting stuff and had some good laughs. After dinner Pres. Stucki asked the Pugsleys and the Crafts to share their testimonies as the new couples and then the Forinashes who are going home in March. It was nice.What a privelege it is to serve as a missionary1

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