Sunday, November 18, 2012


A wonderful day at church Eric came but his wife wasn't able to. Was John's first time conducting sacrament  meeting. President & Sister Stucki, Pres.Vicencio "1st.counselor in Mission Presidency and Pres. Bacolod 1st. counselor in District  Presidency . They were there for sustaining's and interviews.They all spoke so that was great to hear from all of them and a treat for our branch. Our numbers have come up since we came; our attendance was 119 and was about 80-100 it's wonderful to have so many less actives return to the fold. John had District Priesthood Meetings after church so he gave Branch Presidency a ride; meeting is about an hour away "just like home"; but on the way they all stopped and visited the Miagi Family,the family with all the young men. I went with another Sister and Elders teaching a young woman who actually has a boyfriend in Utah.Went quite well talked about the Prophet Joseph Smith. Was my first time riding a jeepney here- little crazy. Got lots of walking in reminded me of my earlier mission being with another sister and all. We stopped in to see a member for a minute and to my surprise John was there that was a blessing as I would of had to walk another half a mile so I was thankful for that. Didn't even have books to pack, Janet.Thank Heavens!

1 comment:

Janet Wilcox said...

No backpacks...VERY good! I love reading these entries. Thank you for the time you spend writing them up. Wayne and I aren't sure whether we remember Veli Nielson or not. (When walking, Lily...just pretend you are shopping, it will all come really easy:))