Saturday, October 06, 2012

Elders Baptism

Elders' baptized a young woman today shes a single mom with a baby changed her life around.John spoke on baptism was a nice service. Before the baptism we had a good discussion with Zeus Madlang-awa  (This is the young man that the father kicked out when he was thirteen)  it went well and invited him to come to church. Gave him Elder Hollands talk on the parable of the hired servants. We particularly taught him what Elder Holland said about how there isn't any thing bad enough that the Atonement can't cover. That seemed to touch him. We also went to Sis. Cagara home and taught her about forgiveness and the importance of patching things up with her family.
It's amazing how the Spirit works as we teach and brings things to our minds to teach.and  how our teachings are helping to change peoples lives.

1 comment:

Janet wilcox said...

Your *serving* is also changing people's lives. Thank you for your service and the time you spend updating this really wonderful blog.