Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary

34 years can you believe it? Lily thinks even more than ever that I am her Knight in shining armour as I continue to have to rescue her from rats ,lizards,spiders and even dogs.I do my best! We were kind of looking forward to a relaxing day today but ended up going to Manila this morning and took the car to the area office to get it fumigated to try to solve some of the bug problem.We also went to the mission office to try and straighten out our financial costs so the Church can tell our ward back home how much we need to put in our mission fund each month.So we spent some time with Elder Grob the financial secretary and think we got that taken care of. While at the office we got to meet Elder& Sister West and Elder and Sister Peterson who are in from Palowan because Petersons are going home.It was nice to meet them; they both seem like nice couples. Once we got the business looked after the afternoon was a little more relaxing.We wandered around the asia mall and had dinner at TGI Fridays with the Paddocks.It was pretty good.Interesting coincidence that Paddocks anniversary is the same day as ours.We've become good friends; Elder Paddock has plenty of stories to tell.

1 comment:

Janet Wilcox said...

Happy belated Anniversary, we are also at the 34 year mark! I love reading your blog entries and all the things your are experiencing. I feel for the bug problems you are struggling through and will keep you in our prayers.