Monday, October 01, 2012

Our Surroundings

These are tricycles one of the main forms of transportation

This house is right out side our gate,one of the nicer ones here in the Phillipines.

This is Arnold , the man who is the manager of  the place where we live. Great man he knows English very well  and is a lot of help to us . He is a member of the Church.

 This is one of the healthier looking dogs around here! 

This whole street is full of vendors fresh fish any one?

Don't know if this meat is fresh every day but they always have it here no refrigeration here.Sits in the hot sun all day.

Alberta Prime Beef!

This is a typical government relocation project.However when people can't pay the rent and are evicted often thieves come and steal the tin off the roof and anything else they can get a hold of and render the place even more uninhabitable. 

More homes.

The local baseball team.They often play here in this cow pasture outside of the compound where we live.Boys, we had it pretty good.

A sample of the local fighting cock farm's produce.It's wonderful being woke up every morning to a chorus of cocky roosters

Dual purpose barbed wire.

Another example of local energy efficient clothes drying.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oh, wow. This all looks like what we just came from. We didn't have to go far from our home to see difficult situations. Rarely did we see a healthy dog and the meat markets were the worst. We always hoped that wasn't the meat we were going to be served. We love you and are excited to share in your experience. We are praying for you. Much love, Stan and Jan