Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Hard Day In Punta Branch

We received a call from Brother Base this afternoon after Zone Meetings that our Elders Quorum President  wife died of a heart attack. She was 61 years old. Has a wonderful faithful family . We went to their home and talked with them:pretty sad occasion but they are strong.The husband will miss her so much. They do things quite different here the funeral home embalms the body the same day of the death then they close the casket right away and it can't be opened. So we were trying to find Burial Clothes for her before they closed the casket. They have to embalm the same day because they have no refrigeration at the mortuary. The body is then taken home until the people can raise enough money to bury them. Some times it takes up to a week or more.  We were unsuccessful in finding any burial clothes but some one else brought some from Manila and got there in time. When we went back to their home no one was their except the younger adopted son. We asked  where they were he said a young mother of the branch was in the hospital with heart problems and had left her 2 children home ages 6 and 8 . Come to find out they had been home alone for a day and a half because there Father was away working in Manila. As we were talking they arrived back home and had just checked on the kids but left them there. So then they were discussing what do do with the children every one was reluctant to take them as no could afford any extra mouths to feed. Bro. Base (who is a member of Branch Presidency)  said he would take them so we gave him some money for food for the kids. We don't appreciate  how difficult it is for these people to even feed there families. So here was this Elders Quorum President trying to help another family on the day of his wife's passing.Kinda tears at your heart strings

1 comment:

Janet Wilcox said...

What an eye opening story. Thanks again for posting the experiences you are having.